What I do
I tend to focus less on what I can do and more on what you want me to do.
You might want nothing more than the legal aspects taken care of. Then again, perhaps an intimate elopement is more your style. Or maybe you want the complete package – a ceremony with the lot. All versions are just as viable.
The examples below show the range of ceremony possibilities, starting from the minimum requirements, but keep in mind that I’m open to discussion and can tailor my services to suit.
The Legals
You, two witnesses and me.
All the wording and paperwork to get you legally married, but with no added fuss.
An initial ‘no obligation’ meeting
Preparation and lodgement of all legal documentation
Solemnisation of your marriage
Travel within a 20km radius of Adelaide CBD
The Bells & Whistles
Bespoke ceremony and vows, plus all the extras
An initial ‘no obligation’ meeting
Preparation and lodgement of all legal documentation
Assistance and advice on creating the perfect ceremony for you
Bespoke ceremony script and vows
Subsequent planning meetings (as required)
A rehearsal
Provision of portable PA and microphone (if required)
Solemnisation of your marriage
Travel within a 20km radius of Adelaide CBD
This is where we go all out. We’ll design a ceremony with all the right whistles and bells to create the magic that’s perfect for you.
Somewhere in Between
You want more than a legal document, but you don’t want to go overboard. There’s always a happy medium. The cost will be dependent on what you’re looking for. Let’s chat!